'Secure Your Supply of Most Wanted Man Up to 58% Off While Supplies Last'

If You Want To Triple Your Animal Attraction...You Need To Read This NOW

This Unique Combination Can Bypass Her Smell Brain to Create Instant Desire

Wes Armstrong, Independent Entrepreneur

Wes is a pen name -- (I use it because I’m a highly placed insider in the world of the finest colognes on Earth... So can’t have my elite clients know who I really am or there will be h*ll to pay, LOL...)

Special Introductory Offer: UP TO 58% OFF WHILE SUPPLIES LAST

Hello, it's Wes Armstrong here...

And we're in the cramped bathroom of this dive bar I didn't even know existed...

She's got me pressed up against the sticker-plastered door, her breathing is heavy, almost like she's panting...

Her eyelids are fluttering, her tongue keeps darting out to lick those soft, full lips...

She bites her lip in that way that makes every man weak in the knees...

I think she's coming in for a kiss, so I close my eyes...

But instead I hear her take a long, deep breath, inhaling my scent...

Finally she looks up at me, right in the eyes so I can see every detail of her gorgeous green irises...

But all I can focus on is the lust and desire I see targeted right at me...

She wants me... BAD...

And just an hour ago, I didn't even know her name...

So how is it that a normal, middle-aged guy like me comes to be in this situation?

I can promise you I'm nothing special to look at...

And I'm no celebrity or rich business tycoon either.

Truth be told, I'm just a normal small-town guy who happened to find a way to attract women with total confidence...

And the best thing about this method is that it lets me just be myself, and still get women to come over and talk to me, maybe even ask me out...

Because the biggest thing I've discovered that I want to share with you right now is this:

The key to sexual attraction and sexual confidence is smell.

Women have what scientists call a smell brain -- and smell bypasses her logical brain and gets right to her lizard brain...

...the most ancient, primal part of the brain...

And she is attracted to you without you having to do anything differently.

No pickup lines. No fancy conversational gambits. No expensive clothes.

She can't resist her smell brain -- it's biological. It's natural.

And that night, pressed against the fridge with that young beautiful woman's body pressing into mine...

...that was the moment I knew I had created a truly sexy scent...

An incredibly powerful “smell tool” that all men need to know about...

See, that night with her pinning me up against the fridge was proof of its power in action.

It works for two reasons...

One is that I love the scent and how it makes me feel.

I feel a powerful surge of testosterone whenever I pick up a waft...and I constantly want to smell my own sexy scent on myself!

It's super enjoyable to go through my day wearing this extraordinary scent...

And the second reason it works is that women love it, and I like to believe it acts on their unconscious smell centers...

At this stage, I should tell you about how women are driven wild by the right smell of a guy...

And who am I to keep this all to myself?

That's just not the way my parents raised me, growing up on a small farm deep in the heart of Missouri.

All I need is one good woman in my life, and I think there's more than enough women to go around for us all.

So what I'm saying is...

If you're single, you will be amazed by what this does for your dating life...

In no time at all, you'll have a loyal, loving girlfriend by your side.

And if you're more of the partying type of guy -- and hey, no judgement here... you can have several women in your life.

You'll easily have 2, 3, 4 girlfriends. As many as you want.

But beware -- because these women will be putting the moves on you...

So no more putting yourself out there, no more rejection...

You'll have your pick of the ladies, and younger guys will look at you with jealousy, wondering what in the world your secret is...

And for married guys and guys with girlfriends, this will turn your sex life up a notch... or two, or three...

You'll come home from work and she'll nuzzle your neck and whisper naughty things in your ear...

And the next thing you know, she's on top of you and you're taking her on an enjoyably rough ride between the sheets...

You'll wake up and she'll want you...

You'll go to sleep and she'll want you...

And she will turn into a new woman right before your eyes... seducing YOU for a change...

And it will be this way every day and every night, for the rest of your life...

Even if it's been years since you've been intimate...

Even if she's been sleeping in a different bedroom.

Even if she's long lost her enthusiasm for sex, or said she's “done with all that.”

Because this smell secret I'm sharing with you today will change everything...

All you have to do is use a few drops of this smell tool I've created to boost your “smell appeal” and become more attractive to women.

A drop here, a drop there. Let it absorb and work its magic...

...while you yourself are enjoying the wafts and whiffs you pick up throughout the day going about your normal routine...

...except now there is nothing normal about the attention you're getting...

Girls are giving you googly eyes on the Metro...beautiful women are shooting you radiant smiles at the store...

Your wife or girlfriend is showing up at the office for a little lunchtime rendezvous.

And everywhere you go, you feel like you're the most desired man in the room.

Truly, it's that easy. In fact, I'm a living testament to it.

That night pressed up against the fridge -- I didn't do a thing!

I barely even gave her a passing glance, but it was enough to make her hunt me down...

Now I can't explain how or why this works so well, so I'm going to hand this over to one of the men I respect more than anyone else -- Dr. Ari Magill.

Dr. Ari Magill, M.D., Board-Certified Physician

Dr. Magill attended medical school at University of Texas South Western Medical, and he's a little different as far as doctors go...

Unlike most doctors, Dr. Magill treats patients while conducting clinical research too.

And for the past 13 years, he's been researching natural remedies men can use to live healthier, happier, sexier lives.

Have you heard of the MHC?

It stands for major histocompatibility complex.

And basically, it's the lock a woman has, and you are the key that fits her lock, if she is compatible with your MHC...

And believe it or not, studies suggest that MHC is involved in a woman choosing a mate -- through olfactory cues...

Which means that there are certain scents that bypass a woman's conscious choosing brain...and it drives her lizard brain crazy with lust...

Certain natural scents from the body can actually create immediate sexual attraction in a woman, believe it or not, and it can help her choose a mate...

According to a group of researchers in Europe, “A man sees, but a woman smells.”

In fact, it's been proven through experiments that a man's scent is the #1 factor for a woman when it comes to selecting a potential partner.

For example, when women were asked which of the 5 senses are most important in choosing a potential lover, the answer was overwhelming “smell.”

Researchers studying the human brain suggest that women are able to detect a man's biological compatibility through signals in their odor.

Now do you believe it's possible for a man to wear a certain scent that drives a woman wild?

Wes again, and is it really so unbelievable to think that I can just spritz something on and draw women to me like moths to a flame?

I understand if you're skeptical. Because I was skeptical too...

But you should know that things weren't always this easy for me... not by a long shot...

Something happened to me several years ago that changed the way I see the world...

I was in Tokyo, Japan, where I lived for 10 years, and I experienced something that left a lasting effect on me...

You should know that in Japanese culture, dating is very different than in America or Canada, or anywhere else in the world...

Your relationship must begin with a public declaration of love, a confession they call it...

There is no touching or kissing or even holding hands before a confession of love is made.

You might hang out together in groups, but never alone. It's forbidden.

But once you make your confession, you can also make an invitation to hang out one-on-one and take it from there.

So being a single young man in Tokyo, I am of course very interested in dating one of the beautiful Japanese women living around me...

But back home in Missouri, I'd never been that good with girls.

I have very little dating experience to my name, and zero “game” as far as flirting goes.

Yet here I am, in a new country where the dating process is altogether different.

In fact, since the entire culture is different, I think maybe I have a chance...

Why not, when I see nerdy guys like me with beautiful women all the time here in Japan.

So I decide to declare my love to a beautiful Japanese girl named Yua...

Per Japanese custom, Yua and I haven't spent any time alone together.

But we've hung out in small groups many times and have known each other for a year now.

So by this point, I'm confident she feels the connection between us.

I mean, how can she not? I feel the electricity between us every time she gets close.

So I screw up my courage and finally approach her in one of our group outings...

I confidently declare: “I love you. Can we start seeing each other?” as is custom in Japan...

But to my horror, Yua looks completely mortified by my declaration.

Her firm “no's” and violent head shakes are coming as quite a shock...

And suddenly I'm standing there realizing that I'm the butt of some joke...

Everyone has stopped to watch the Western man confess love to one of their own...

And now they are all smiling and laughing at her rejection of me.

They are glad...

There I am...rejected publicly, for everyone to see...

And do you know what that does to a man's confidence?

It's brutal... I don't know if you've ever experienced anything like it...

I hope you haven't -- but if you have, you know exactly what I'm talking about...

That day left me feeling so humiliated, so small, so ashamed...

So honestly, I never tried again... I lived a very quiet, lonely life in Japan...

And eventually, I moved back to Missouri to focus on my oil paintings and book collecting.

But this incident stayed with me... it damaged my pride and ruined my confidence.

It's made dating pretty much impossible for me, even back home in Missouri.

Because what's the point? No woman wants to be with a guy like me.

Girls pity guys like me. They don't want to sleep with someone they pity.

Still, that doesn't stop me from having urges like any man would...

Porn and masturbation only does the job for a while...

And it isn't long before I'm desperate for physical contact with a woman.

Truthfully, I'm depressed and in a bad place at this point...

My oldest and truest friend, Bill, starts to worry about me and comes to check on me.

He comes by and practically drags me out to his car one day with no warning.

“You look like shit,” Bill tells me. “Now let's go.”

Go where, I ask. But he refuses to tell me where we're going...

Bill drives us to a small, nondescript building in a part of town I'm not familiar with...

He has a determined look on his face and claps me on the shoulder in a brotherly way.

“Go inside that building, Wes. They know you're coming.”

Who knows I'm coming, I try to ask, but he won't say anything more, so I'm forced to get out of the car.

Then he drives away, telling me to call him later...

...”when I'm done”...

I trudge up to the building and walk inside, and I'm shocked to see several beautiful women all smiling at me.

Are they waiting for me?

Suddenly, I'm painfully aware of how I must look -- all disheveled and dark circles under my eyes...

But if the women notice, they aren't mentioning it. They all just keep smiling and then one woman takes me down the hall.

She's older than the others, maybe in her late thirties, but she's still pretty.

As we walk, I think: A brothel... Bill took me to a brothel. Well, at least they won't say no...

And that thought makes me chuckle to myself which makes the woman look at me like I'm crazy.

Then we're inside the room, and she's closing the door and dimming the lights...

And now I'm really nervous... because it's been a long, long time since I've been with a woman...

But this woman is gentle, kind... she tells me her name is Tasha and that she's here to make me feel good.

And boy, does she... Tasha makes me feel good in about 10 seconds flat.

Which leaves me feeling ashamed, cheeks burning in the dark.

But she says we can talk for a while, so we do...

And somehow I end up telling her everything about Yua, and how I've never been good with girls.

And she's nodding and listening, and then she makes me feel good some more...

And afterward, when we're lying there, Tasha asks me if I've ever heard about “smell appeal”...

She says all I have to do to attract women is worry about how I smell. She says it's nature's way of choosing.

And I figure she's joking, so I laugh, and it isn't until hours later... when I'm back home, lying in my own bed in the dark...

...that I start thinking about what Tasha said again, about what kind of smell drives a woman wild when she smells it on a man...

It's true -- our brains really do automatically respond in certain ways to certain smells.

Dr. Magill again, and what Tasha said is absolutely correct...

See, there's something called the “terminal nerve” in our brains.

This is a nerve in the brain that responds to scent.

And the terminal nerve runs from the nose directly up into the brain, right in front of the olfactory nerve that's responsible for smell.

This terminal nerve was first discovered in humans in 1913. So scientists have been studying this nerve for a long time.

And they've found through animal research that there is a strong sexual response to certain scents through the terminal nerve.

For instance, in a study with hamsters, the hamsters with a severed terminal nerve failed to mate. No more sex at all.

And in zebrafish, the males ejaculate immediately when the terminal nerve is zapped with an electric shock... fascinating...

So it's possible to use a certain scent to trigger a woman's terminal nerve and drive her wild...

Wes here, and I can't get Tasha's words out of my head...

What kind of smell drives a woman wild when she smells it on a man?

Now I know that a certain scent is all it takes to activate her terminal nerve...

But what IS that certain scent?

And now I can't stop thinking back to that terrible day in Japan with Yua...

What if she was irresistibly attracted to me in a way that even she didn't understand?

What if her body reacted to certain hormones my body was secreting?

What if some deep biological part of her responded to my scent with uncontrollable arousal?

I imagine her falling into my arms and planting a sweet kiss on my lips...

I see our life flash before my eyes, what it could have been...

Needless to say, this idea quickly becomes my new obsession...

Like overcoming evolution in a way...

I want this scent to reactivate a lost, primal part of her body... her smell brain...

So suddenly she is irresistibly drawn to me by smell...

And she won't even realize that's the reason, but she will be wanting me around anyway...

And all the while, this scent will be giving me incredible confidence that betters my life in every way imaginable as a man.

I want to spritz it on and immediately feel like I've grown a few inches taller...

I want to feel like the ultimate man every time I wear this particular scent...

Like George Clooney's character in Ocean's Eleven, the guy who always gets the girl.

That's what I want this scent to do for me, and who knows...maybe it will work for other guys too...

So...how do I build a scent that women can't resist?

Well luckily for me, I'm a computer programmer...

So for once, being a big nerd is really paying off!

I design a handy little computer program that helps me keep track of different scents.

And that way I can test various smells -- or notes, as they're called -- and I can combine them in different ways and test them out.

So the computer takes care of the complicated part where scents are logged and tracked, yada yada...

...and I get to handle the fun part, like testing the scents out on unsuspecting women...

And the perfect way to do that?

Speed dating!

I get the idea while I'm watching that terrible 2007 movie of the same name...

...where the guy inherits millions of dollars and decides speed dating is the best way to find a wife...

I figure all I need is 5 minutes at the most to figure out if a woman is responding to my scent or not.

So speed dating is perfect...

All I have to do is I take a certain scent, apply it to my clothes, and let the games begin...

So here I am, sitting in front of a woman in her early 40's, twice divorced, who is mid-way through trashing her first husband...

...before she suddenly decides to stop and ask me, “What's that smell?”

“Good or bad?” I say, leaning forward so she can get a better whiff.

“Good! Reminds me of my second husband, who wouldn't you know...”

DING! Time's up.

Next woman: cute, way too cute to be here...

Early 20's, probably looking for a sugar daddy...

Wrinkles her nose up and says: “Did you step in something outside?”


Red-head, shirt stretched to capacity, cute little freckles right between her...

“Ugh, something smells awful.”


It's like I'm walking through a never-ending revolving door of women.

I'm testing out dozens of scents on dozens of women all over the city...

But I have a problem...there's just too many scents and too little time...

I'm getting good data...but it's taking too long...

Even going to two speed dating events a week isn't enough.

At this rate, it will take me years to test all the different scents I've been studying...

And I start losing steam...was this the dumbest idea I've ever had?

Until one night, when a few buddies are with me having a beer...

...a girl walks up to me at a bar and says: “Hey, Wes.”

All my friends stop talking to gape at the hot girl who knows my name.

It's Melissa from one of the speed dating events -- and I only remember her because of her incredible reaction...

See, I was wearing a certain note that I had high hopes for the day we met...

It's called Castoreum -- and it's been viewed as an aphrodisiac for many centuries...

And this is going to sound weird, but...castoreum is a compound secreted from the anal glands of a beaver...

So even though it sounds disgusting, castoreum actually smells really good.

It's been described as smelling of vanilla and raspberry, along with hints of florals, musk, and even leather...

And believe it or not, castoreum elicited a lot of interesting reactions the day I met Melissa...

But her reaction was particularly memorable...because one moment she's shaking my hand...

...and the next moment she's practically pulling me across the table to eat me alive!

And now here she is again looking at me and only me...

But when Melissa leans in for a hug, she pulls back disappointedly...

And then she's back to her own table with her own friends and I'm forgotten.

And yes, it sounds crazy... but I'm not wearing the castoreum this time...

I'm not wearing any scent at all. Technically, I'm off the clock.

But now I know my work is important...

Now I know I'm really onto something...

Animals also use scents to attract mates.

Dr. Magill here, and did you know that certain scents can induce sexual arousal and encourage sexual activity?

So animals secrete certain scents to attract the opposite sex and get it on.

Like mice and moths, who put out chemical signals to draw in the opposite sex.

And pigs too. In one study, as soon as the female pigs got a mere whiff of the male's scent, they assumed the mating position!

And here's the crazy part... humans secrete hormones that have certain scents too... for very similar reasons!

Now we don't notice or smell these hormones in our daily lives -- it's not noticeable like body odor...

But still, our brains and bodies respond...

For example, when a woman gives birth, her nipples secrete special hormones with a scent that draws a newborn baby in...

So even moments after birth, the baby knows where to find the nipple and where to feed. By smell alone.

Crazy, right?

And there are even certain hormones that men secrete that are said to create a scent that is especially enticing to women...

So when a woman senses these hormones through her nose, her libido spikes...

...and she finds herself irresistibly attracted to whoever the scent is coming from...

Women are highly sensitive to these smell hormones, especially at the peak of her monthly cycle.

It's like a loud, strong mating call -- except it's a scent,not a sound...

It's an automatic biological response by the body that's helped our species survive for centuries.

So now I know I'm onto something major with these animal hormones...

Wes again, and I know this is big...

Which is why I know I can't do it alone -- I need my guys with me.

I call them, and unable to keep the chuckle out of my tone, I ask “Hey guys... ever tried speed dating?”

It takes some convincing, but eventually they're all on board.

Even the married guys agree to help me out, all in the name of “science.”

And finally the data starts rolling in and I'm picking up steam like a train coming out of the tunnel.

In fact, my next big break comes quick and fast through my buddy, Sunil...

...the day he almost loses his life to a hungry group of hyenas...

You see, Sunil has himself a field day wearing a certain note called civet.

He applies it, starts his speed dating round, and things get out of control fast...

Don't believe me? Well picture a helpless gazelle out in the Savannah...

...being surrounded by hungry hyenas who are willing to bite and scratch each other for the kill...

My friend, Sunil... he's the gazelle...

...and the hyenas are all the women at this speed dating round!

No kidding, there are women pulling hair and kicking and shoving...

All because one girl likes the smell of Sunil so much...

...that she refuses to switch seats when the buzzer goes off...

You'd have thought it was an episode of Jerry Springer!

Somehow Sunil escapes with just a few scratches and is able to deliver me the data...

And I start looking at this civet note in a whole different light.

Turns out, civet is both a scent and an animal.

A civet cat secretes the scent from their perennial glands.

To humans, civet smells musky...yet also radiant, velvety, slightly floral...

And believe it or not, women are 1,000 times more sensitive to the scent of civet than men.

So civet goes into my list of potential winners without a second thought.

And the list of winners is growing...slowly but surely...

And things are really looking up for my little pet project here...

But don't get me wrong -- in between all of these successes are a lot of failures...

Weeks go by with no big results, no big breakthroughs...

My buddies, who at first agree to do this for the novelty of it and to humor me...

Well they start getting tired of this routine and want to quit.

But thankfully, another big breakthrough happens right when I need it most...

And it happens when I'm not even speed dating, I'm at the park...

I'm at the park sitting on a bench when a group of women in aerobic clothes start stretching in front of me...

And I start thinking how nice it would be to test out one woman's flexibility somewhere more private...

And then I remember something -- I have a new note in my pocket, ready for testing...

It's a very special type of deer musk...and I'm inspired to test it out after the success we found with civet...

See, this special type of deer musk smells sweet and floats through the air like a feather...

But more importantly, research shows women love it!

In fact, the scent of this special deer musk puts women “in the mood”...

So why not test it out now on this group of limber ladies?

A few drops here and here...

Then I'm walking purposefully towards the stretching women, wafting my scent their way...

And in seconds, it hits their noses like a freight train!

Their heads snap in my direction so fast, I swear they've got whiplash.

One woman is waving at me and saying hi.

Another is asking me to join them for a stretch.

And soon the whole group of them are surrounding me, showing me the finer points of “downward dog.”

Safe to say that this special type of deer musk is going into the winner's circle!

But there's more work to do...so much more work...

So many more scents I want to test out...notes like petty grain, tonka bean...other rarities...

I'm giving this “smell tool” experiment everything I've got.

I barely eat, I barely sleep...all I do is log data into the computer and think about what's next...

And then my buddy calls me and puts his wife on the phone...

She says: “Have you looked into orris butter?”

And at first, I'm annoyed -- this was supposed to be a SECRET project...just between us guys...

But my buddy's wife has my full attention when she tells me how obsessed she is with this scent...

“Listen, Wes,” she says to me, “Nothing is sexier than a man wearing a little orris butter.”

And all her girlfriends love it too...plus her mother, sister-in-law, her aunt...

So I look into orris butter...and it is as extraordinary as it is expensive.

It's subtle, delicate, and complex. Almost like fresh petrichor -- the smell of the earth after a rainstorm.

But one thing is certain... orris butter lends what is called the “chocolate effect” to other scents...

It enriches them, sweetens them up slightly, makes them more delectable...

Orris butter is known for exalting other scents, meaning it lifts and enhances them...

And it's my lightbulb moment -- I'm going to combine these winning notes into one scent.

In fact, I don't know why I haven't thought of it before.

What could be better than taking all the winning notes and combining them...

...creating one powerful super scent that is 10x more appealing than just one scent on its own...

It's genius. And thanks to our current model, it can be tested once and for all...

So it's back to the drawing board in a way...back to the round table...

I get all my buddies together and tell them everything. The whole enchilada.

My entire mission, what I know, what I want to achieve...

And once they know all the details, they decide to help me see this thing out til the end.

And then we're all testing different combinations of the winning notes on every woman we see.

And finally, it happens...

I'm speed dating and about to switch to a pretty brunette with dimples who is way out of my league.

And when I brush past her to take my seat, her eyes close...

She breathes in deeply and looks at me like she's seeing me for the first time.

“Want to get out of here?”

I'm so shocked, I nearly miss my chair sitting down.

And next thing I know, I'm leaving her place whistling a happy tune with a pep in my step!

Finally, we have a winner...

...one super scent that has the power to drive a woman wild...

I've finally found it -- the one super scent that has the power to drive any woman wild...

Wes here, and now that I've finally found my Holy Grail, all I can think about is...

What if I could apply this specific scent to my skin to amplify my own male hormones, like androstenol...so women come up to ME for a change?

That's when the next thought that pops into my head is cologne.

I decide right then and there that I am going to create a cologne for men...

A cologne just for men and only for men -- that is crafted from these 4 very special notes and other natural ingredients...

...to create a scent that has power to enhance your natural sex appeal and attract women.

The goal is to only need a few drops and voila -- like magic, your wife or girlfriend will be all over you...

...or that new girl you just started talking to at the bar...

I get excited just thinking about it...

But then reality hits me -- I don't know anything at all about making cologne...

I realize I'm going to need some help with this... but where to start?

I figure my best bet is to go to the perfume capital of the world -- Grasse, France.

This is where all the world's best perfumers start, and I'm hoping to find someone willing to work with me to make my dream a reality.

At first, I hit one brick wall after another. Nobody wants to give me the time of day.

I go to one perfumer after another, seeking meetings with the best in the business.

And I am turned away by most of them without even getting a word in.

But then my luck changes...a very exciting up-and-comer in the perfume industry is interested in working with me...

His name is Prin Lomros and he is quickly gaining notoriety as one of the best new perfumers in the business.

Prin is from Thailand and is the founder of Pryn Perfume.

He's been obsessed with scents since he was a boy.

But since there was no university for perfumery in Thailand, Prin decided to study film.

However, once he arrived in France for a film festival, he realized his true calling has been and will always be making perfumes and colognes.

And ever since then, Prin has been making his own colognes and perfumes and becoming quite the success story in France.

Amazingly, Prin and I decide to start working together to make my cologne idea a reality.

After talking to Prin Lomros for just a few minutes, I believe him to be one of the best perfumers in the world.

He refuses to use any unsafe or unethical ingredients like many of the big corporations.

Prin insists on there being zero harmful chemicals in his perfumes and colognes, and I agree.

But did you know that perfumers are not required by law to disclose all their ingredients?

And there are over 3,000 chemicals commonly used in perfumes that have been linked to cancer and other terrible health problems.

So now I respect Prin Lomros even more...and I decide to tell him what I'm really trying to achieve with this cologne...

I'm worried Prin will think I'm crazy or a pervert, or refuse to work with me when I tell him what the goal of my cologne is.

But still, I share my story with him, present him with my research and the secret formula...and amazingly, Prin is fully on board!

He believes in the research I've conducted and agrees to help me create this special cologne...

...my special smell tool, as I begin calling it...

And finally, I now have the first few bottles of my special smell tool available...my cologne made for men who want to attract women...

I'm calling this cologne Most Wanted Man...

Gut Reg

Scent of Luxury

Most Wanted Man allows its wearer to express himself in a way no man ever has before...

The aldehydes in the opening pair up with lemon and bergamot to create a crisp and clean sophisticated aura...

...one that reflects the masculinity of a timeless gentleman, with an edge that draws you in...

The man we meet in the opening of this fragrance is refined and dependable...

He's an old friend who has lent a helping hand in building our communities, and he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty either...

Ever the cultured gentleman, he is efficient and determined, and we catch a glimmer of the adventurous life he returned from as the fragrance transitions...

...from the bright and refined top to the leathery and ambered character of the clary sage, which pairs with the minty/peppery character of the basil.

He seems to attract all whom he encounters as the invigorating green rosemary and woody petitgrain subtly encourages her to approach and take his words to heart...

Women automatically sense that he has a mysterious edge to him -- the tobacco and birch tar swirl around his chest...smoky, slightly sweet, dry and smooth...

...all aided by the chewy tonka bean which hides his raw and unbridled nature beneath a smooth and elegant tuxedo...

The cinnamon and rose intoxicate those around him, while those who get closer can feel the ferocity of his musk: costus, deer musk, castoreum and civet burning beneath his clothes...

The blood flowing through his veins is powerful -- aching to be free -- but the pine and nutmeg hide this virality beneath a forest of sweet tranquility.

And it is only then that we realize, alongside all who have spoken with him...

...that we have barely glimpsed the possibility of adventure and luxury which this Most Wanted Man carries with him...

But above anything, we are ready and willing to learn...

I'm calling my cologne Most Wanted Man because when you use it, you will become the most wanted man in the room...

My cologne helps men attract women by “weaponizing” castoreum, civet, deer musk, and orris butter in a unique way with the following other notes:

  • Lemon -- bright and fresh, a sophisticated lemon like biting into a sweet sour lemon from the tree...
  • Bergamot -- fragrant citrus, bitter, tart, spicy and complex...long used for the finest men's colognes because it is both masculine and fresh...
  • Elemi -- sharp and slightly spicy, a resin used only in the best colognes
  • Petitgrain -- woody with a touch of sweetness, like leaves and crushed branches
  • Fig -- complex and sweet, like sticking your nose in a jar of fig jam
  • Rosemary -- pungent and aromatic, just like the herb used in cooking
  • Lavender -- aromatic and clean floral with spicy and licorice facets
  • Clary Sage -- soft and sweet herbaceous fragrance with lavender, balsamic, and amber musky nuances
  • Carrot seed -- spicy and musky with pungent earthy tones
  • Pine needle -- strong and clean like a late fall camping trip
  • Narcissus -- opulent and intense, heady and animalic with a hint of hay and tobacco
  • Basil -- crisp and uplifting, fresh and aromatic
  • Labdanum -- deep, powerful, leathery and ambery
  • Rose -- the King of flowers, evocative and intoxicating and intensely romantic
  • Nutmeg -- spicy and sweet in a masculine way
  • Bay -- peppery and floral, freshens up any scent with natural aromatics
  • Cinnamon -- spicy and hot, warm and tenacious like the man wearing it
  • Tobacco -- herbaceous and slightly mossy, like you've walked into an old fashioned lodge where everyone is smoking fine cigars
  • Leather -- rich, sophisticated, and undoubtedly masculine; reminiscent of cured hides and leather goods
  • Costus -- sensual and dirty, like unwashed hair
  • Tonka bean -- touches of vanilla and almond, but varies depending on the wearer's natural scent
  • Birch tar -- sweet and sappy, almost as if you walked in an old tack shop
  • Patchouli -- strong and earthy, commonly used in oils and candles
  • Vetiver -- clean and ethereal to smoky and dusty, depending on the man
  • Oakmoss -- inky, bitter-smelling, musky and damp like the forest floor

And every single one of these notes combine to create an intoxicating, alluring scent completely unique to you and your hormonal make-up.

Remember, animal hormones don't work on people...

Dr. Magill here, and that's why I helped Wes and Prin use only "cruelty free" accords that contain many of the same chemistry as the wild naturals, but without hurting animals.

So the civet, castoreum, and deer musk accord are all cruelty-free.

And I've found that using these particular notes in this special formulation makes our own natural human hormones stronger...

...stronger and more powerful, so women have a stronger, more powerful reaction to our naturally sexy and attractive hormones.

Just a few drops on the skin creates a safe reaction involving the body's internal temperature...

The drops soak in, get warm, and make your natural hormones like androstenol exude from your skin to release the sexual attraction within...

The increase in temperature makes your skin sweat slightly... so that strong and intoxicating androstenol is amplified...

And this is what creates such a strong “smell” reaction in women.

Without even knowing why, women become irresistibly attracted to a man wearing a few spritizes of my revolutionary cologne, Most Wanted Man.

The castoreum, civet, deer musk, and orris butter create this natural reaction, as well as adding other sexy notes to the mix that women overwhelmingly find attractive.

Here's what happens the first time I use my new cologne, Most Wanted Man...

I wake up in the morning, spritz on Most Wanted Man, and I think about my gym membership...

Has it really been 3 months since I've worked out??

Now I'm stoked to go to the gym when I remember all the lovely ladies that are always there...

...yes I'm going for the women!

So I walk in the gym and I catch a whiff of myself...

I smell GOOD and I instantly feel more confident, more in control.

I have no problem walking in and pretending to own the place...

...even though I haven't stepped foot in here in months...

I get on the bench press and two pretty Hispanic women approach me...

I think they're trying to ask me for help with one of the machines...

And even though we don't speak the same language, it's obvious what's REALLY going on...

One of them grabs my bicep and giggles.

And get this -- I barely even HAVE any biceps!

Then later, when I'm relaxing in the sauna, all alone...a woman enters...

I see the lovely curves of her body taking shape through the steam.

And I see her take a deep breath in and then she just seems to float into my lap.

“Oh,” she says with a little laugh, “didn't see you there...”

And then, and I can hardly believe my own ears, she says:

“You're what smells so good in here...wow...” as she loses herself in my scent.

After that, I know I've created something revolutionary...

This cologne, this super scent...it's blowing even my highest expectations away...

Who knew this would be so powerful, so easy, so effective!

Even in my wildest dreams, I didn't think it was possible.

This cologne has changed everything for me...

Becoming the Man

The feeling I get wearing Most Wanted Man is almost indescribable...

It's like putting on your favorite suit and feeling transformed.

With just a few spritzes, I am standing taller, more relaxed, more confident...

When I walk into a crowded room, heads turn, men and women alike...

I see women close their eyes and breathe deeply when I pass by...

And when I catch a whiff of myself in an elevator, I see why...

The scent is so intoxicatingly unique and primal, it makes you want to keep smelling yourself...

It draws you into yourself, unleashes your very essence into the atmosphere...

...while the gravity of your aura pulls others into your orbit...

They can't fight it even if they wanted to...

You are the Most Wanted Man alive, wherever you go...

For the first time ever, you can try Most Wanted Man for yourself.

I've finally got the final product bottled and ready to ship to anyone in the United States.

So now you can try out this cologne and see what it does for your “smell appeal” with women.

I think you will find that women are paying you more attention than ever before, complimenting you more...

...going out of their way to make sure you notice them...

You can rest assured knowing there's nothing else in the world quite like Most Wanted Man.

There are many colognes and perfumes out there... but none that are designed with science in mind to make men more attractive to women.

Most Wanted Man is an artisanal cologne which means it is handmade with the utmost care, using the highest quality ingredients that are very costly and difficult to find.

It is not like designer colognes, where they are all made in a factory at rapid speed, mass produced, and sold at every local department store in the country.

No... Most Wanted Man is different...

Most Wanted Man is in a class of its own.

Most Wanted Man is unique and truly one-of-a-kind. It cannot be bought in a mall or a grocery store.

And unlike other colognes, Most Wanted Man does not contain any harmful chemicals or unnatural additives.

Prin and I would never allow that. We don't want to put those kinds of chemicals on our own bodies, so we would never expect you to.

And I think you will be amazed by the immediate reaction you get from women once you spritz it onto your skin.

I think you'll like it, but if you don't, well, what I want to do is thank you for trying it...

And I don't want a penny of your money, unless you feel it meets your needs and requirements.

You must love Most Wanted Man or I don't want you paying one red cent.

If it doesn't make you feel like the manly, confident, Alpha male you see in movies, the man who always gets the girl...

...then just tell me and I'll make it right.

Most Wanted Man is designed to amplify your own natural hormones that women are already biologically attracted to...

...letting you effortlessly attract beautiful women who have a surprisingly strong desire to take you to bed.

And if you decide you love Most Wanted Man, I want to make sure you keep using it, so I will put you on a reminder system.

That way, we will send you a bottle when you're running out. And you will keep using it to be the man you were always meant to be.

If it does what it is supposed to do, I want you to email me a testimony, so other men will see it and learn from your experience.

Whatever your experience, I want to hear about it, so I can improve the formulation and keep getting better and better.

And if you're married or have a girlfriend, she may fall in love all over again once you give this a try...

And if you're single, you will no longer be having to whip out your wallet and pay for a fancy dinner...

Women will be coming up to you for a change and trying to skip dinner to go straight to dessert.

And I think you'll agree with me that Most Wanted Man smells really nice...

Don't be surprised if your woman tries to wear this herself!

I'm so thrilled that my cologne is finally getting out into the world.

And I am hoping that you try it and are blown away by what you experience.

Because you've made it this far, I know you are serious about becoming the man you were always meant to be.

And I'm serious about Most Wanted Man.

That's why I want to invite you to try this cologne for yourself and experience what it's like to be the most wanted man in the world, wherever you go...

I want you to feel that exciting surge of confidence that you've missed for so long.

And I want women to finally give you the attention you deserve.

So, here is where I want to make you an extraordinary proposition...

I think you can tell by now that I want to help you transform your entire life by boosting your confidence and sex appeal, and helping you attract women.

Best of all, Most Wanted Man is from Ideal Male Labs...

Ideal Male Labs was founded with the vision of helping men improve their lives, and live healthier and hopefully longer lives...

...with better satisfaction and performance in the bedroom...

Our Beliefs: The Four Core

1. We believe in the body's natural healing power, the wisdom of the body.
2. We believe that supplements pure and natural can assist men in living their best.
3. We believe in using the finest, most pure products possible.
4. We believe in helping men live long and live well, so they can hopefully avoid any need for medical care at all.

Frankly, I don't know any other supplement like Most Wanted Man.

In order to maintain purity and quality, we have Most Wanted Man made in a limited run with every single bottle containing only the ingredients we say it does.

Doctor Recommended:

“As a medical doctor, I took an oath and I believe this oath is a solemn pact to help men stay young, healthy, and virile. And -- I think I speak for all men here -- maintaining my God-given confidence and masculinity as I age is one of the most important things I care about. That's why I love Most Wanted Man and recommend it to so many men.

I personally reviewed each and every ingredient for Most Wanted Man, only accepting the highest-quality ingredients in the correct quantities and proportions for maximum effectiveness, and they're free of anything harmful you don't want on or in your body. This cologne is truly one-of-a-kind and cannot be bought anywhere else. I believe in this cologne so much that I've signed on to help spread the word to as many men as possible.

And today, I'm sharing with you a very special introductory offer...”

Very Special Introductory Offer Today -- Up to 58% Off

Women don't realize it, but they are irresistibly attracted to a man's unique scent...

So now you understand why I consider Most Wanted Man to be simply essential for any man looking to impress a woman, whether he's on a first date or his 50th anniversary...

...and to keep men feeling confident and powerful everywhere they go...

There's nothing else like Most Wanted Man, and because you can see the results for yourself and how well it works as soon as you start wearing it, you'll soon agree that it's worth every penny at its regular price.

However, right now you can get Most Wanted Man for as low as $39 a bottle with our best money-saving package!

That's an amazing savings of up to 60% off, and we guarantee it's the lowest price anywhere.

(We cannot, however, guarantee this special price will be available after today. So, if interested, please order yours ASAP!)

PLUS 3 Bonuses Worth Over $137

Free Shipping 1. FREE Shipping Enjoy free U.S. ground shipping straight to your door. You can track the status of your order any time (you will receive tracking information once your order ships).
Free Coaching 2. FREE Coaching You'll get live, personalized coaching from our health research team, as well as instant access to our inspiring, supportive community of men with goals like yours – free for life!
6 Foods Destroying Your Gut Lining ebook 3. FREE New e-Report: Younger Women Code I've nailed down 3 specific locations where single guys can always meet young, beautiful, available women. And these 3 Places to Meet Young Available Women are not your typical pick-up spots like a bar or a restaurant...

With Ideal Male Labs, you're always protected by our 60-day money-back guarantee.

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get a full and immediate refund even on empty bottles, up to 60 days after securing your order today.

Order Your Most Wanted Man Now ↓↓↓

Includes 3 free gifts

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How much should I buy today?

This special sale is only available for a limited time, so it makes sense to stock up now, especially considering this is the lowest price on Most Wanted Man you'll find anywhere.

And you should know, Most Wanted Man can't be found in the store like other supplements. It's exclusively made by Ideal Male Labs, a highly reputable company that formulates every bottle with care and precision.

And just to warn you, we were only able to make 5,000 bottles of Most Wanted Man right now because of the expense and they are going very fast...

Last time we had a product like this, it sold out and men were disappointed for months afterwards.

It takes a good 10 weeks to get this made, and it's constantly sold out...and I don't want you to miss out on a whole new world of sexual opportunities...

With all that in mind, we highly recommend stocking up and saving more today with our 3- or 6-bottle options.

How do I apply Most Wanted Man?

All you need is a few spritzes on your neck, your chest, maybe your hair...

Some guys prefer 8-10 spritzes, while other guys only prefer 2-3.

Can I apply it to clothes?

Yes. I actually prefer applying Most Wanted Man to my clothes instead of my skin, but it is all personal preference depending on the guy.

How often do I put it on?

You only need to apply Most Wanted Man once or twice a day.

How long does the scent last? Do I have to reapply?

The scent typically lasts 8-10 hours. You may want to reapply after that, especially if you've been working out, doing physical labor, or getting busy in the bedroom.

How do I store Most Wanted Man?

Most Wanted Man should be stored in a cool, dry place -- preferably not in your bathroom. The bathroom gets a lot of moisture and heat from the shower and is never a good place to keep a cologne.

Does Most Wanted Man contain animal products?

All of the ingredients used in Most Wanted Man are "cruelty free" accords that contain much of the same chemistry as the wild naturals, but without hurting animals.

How much will this improve my life?

I think you'll find that wearing just a few spritzes of this cologne makes women start looking at you in a totally different way...

When you go to the gym and work out, women are watching you, using the equipment close to you, maybe even asking you for pointers...

And when you're out with your wife or girlfriend, she can't keep her hands off you...she wants everyone around to know you're hers and only hers...

Everywhere you go, your natural scent will be amplified and drawing women in like moths to a flame...

And you will feel a confidence you've never felt before but always wanted.

Should I keep using this even after I'm thrilled with the results?

Most Wanted Man only works when you're wearing it...

So the longer you wear it, the better things will be!

I suggest that if you want to keep having to fend off beautiful women, you keep wearing Most Wanted Man.

Otherwise, you may find yourself back at square one...striking out with the wrong women while the right women pass you by...


Ways We Guarantee the High Quality of

Most Wanted Man

I’m sure you’ve heard of vitamins, herbs, and other nutritional products that flunked lab tests. Here at Ideal Male Labs, we guarantee that NEVER happens.

In fact, our manufacturing process guarantees purity, potency, and quality in 11 different ways:

We use suppliers that test each lot they give us for purity and safety -- with a Certificate of Analysis by a prominent well-know lab.

We manufacture in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified facility that gets regular inspections.

We test every ingredient before we use it.

Batches of our products have multiple quality checking processes in place and are shipped and stored in qualified facilities.

Every batch is tested for microbes including mold, yeast, staph, and salmonella -- along with heavy metals including lead, mercury, and arsenic.

Whenever possible, we source materials from U.S., UK, or European suppliers.

We test for the presence of key ingredients in the correct quantities on every batch we make.

We pay special attention to details such as capsule types and bottle materials and packaging -- for maximum safety and shelf life.

We avoid harmful excipients that our competitors have in their supplements, and we use non-GMO whenever possible.

We never conduct animal testing of any kind.

We use ingredients that we’ve determined are effective by scientific studies.

Q: What are the ingredients and amounts used in the formula?

PLUS 3 Bonuses Worth Over $137

Free Shipping 1. FREE Shipping Enjoy free U.S. ground shipping straight to your door. You can track the status of your order any time (you will receive tracking information once your order ships).
Free Coaching 2. FREE Coaching You'll get live, personalized coaching from our health research team, as well as instant access to our inspiring, supportive community of men with goals like yours – free for life!
6 Foods Destroying Your Gut Lining ebook 3. FREE New e-Report: Younger Women Code I've nailed down 3 specific locations where single guys can always meet young, beautiful, available women. And these 3 Places to Meet Young Available Women are not your typical pick-up spots like a bar or a restaurant...
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.